Mortgage Advice in Sheffield

Applying for a mortgage as a single applicant whilst married is not uncommon. There are, several reasons that can justify applying for a mortgage in just one name, and some lenders will consider this arrangement. 

Reasons why a single application can be more fitting than a joint mortgage include: 

  • Your partner has bad credit or a CCJ on their credit file. 
  • One applicant is unemployed. 
  • You’re using a deposit from your savings. 
  • Your partner already has a mortgage. 
  • One applicant has a much lower income than the other. 

There are many more reasons to get a sole mortgage when you’re married. Our mortgage advisors in Sheffield are available seven days a week to book you in for a free mortgage consultation and help you get started. 

Applying for a sole mortgage while still married 

Some lenders will only accept a joint mortgage if you’re married. However, there are lenders out there that will allow for sole applicants whilst married to get a mortgage.  

If you are looking to take out a mortgage in your sole name, you should contact a mortgage broker in Sheffield. We have been in the mortgage business for over two decades now, making us knowledgeable mortgage experts in the field. We can search through thousands of deals on your behalf, hopefully finding a mortgage to suit your circumstances. 

Our mortgage advisors in Sheffield will need to ask you specific questions about your reason for wanting a sole-named mortgage. For example, if you do not wish to apply for a joint mortgage because your partner has bad credit, you both may be able to get a joint mortgage, as there may be lenders willing to put both names on the mortgage. 

Other reasons can include if you are looking to purchase a sole name mortgage for personal reasons, our advisors might be able to find lenders who are likely to approve. Most lenders are not comfortable with this arrangement because you’re purchasing a property for you and your partner. Lenders favour both applicants to be on the mortgage. This is to avoid possible conflicts in the future, especially if the couple were to divorce.  


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Are you going through a divorce? 

If you’re separating from your partner or going through a divorce and looking at your mortgage options. You will find useful information here, divorce and separation mortgage advice in Sheffield.  

The best decision is to speak to a mortgage advisor in Sheffield, who can provide you with a more tailored answer regarding your circumstances. 

Mortgage advisors in Sheffield for married applicants 

Again, we highlight the importance of always seeking mortgage advice in Sheffield before applying for a mortgage, particularly if you’re married but want to get a mortgage in one name. 

Our mortgage advisors in Sheffield specialise in complex mortgage applications. If you are looking to purchase a property in your sole name whilst married, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our specialist mortgage advisors in Sheffield have a wealth of knowledge and there is rarely a situation that they haven’t come across before. 

Date Last Edited: September 15, 2023