Mortgage Advice in Sheffield

Whether you are a First Time Buyer in Sheffield actively viewing properties or a home mover with your house on the market, you may have noticed that some of the larger estate agents and builders are very keen for you to use their in-house Mortgage Advisor in Sheffield and conveyancing services. You should be aware that you under no obligation to do so. If you want to use another Mortgage Advisor in Sheffield, who also may be able to find you a better deal, you should consider looking for one!

As a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield and being part of a stand-alone mortgage business, we receive lots of feedback from our customers as to what sales tactics are usually used, examples of this include:

  • Refusing to put your offer forward to the vendor if you have not taken in-house mortgage advice or favouring another offer over yours because you already have your mortgage sorted. Please note these situations are illegal.
  • Quoting extortionate conveyancing fees, I recently had a client who was quoted more than £1,500 for a straight forward purchase with an estate agent.  They got this down to £750 with our help by using another conveyancer local to them.
  • From the big well known colourful online agents, within minutes of making your offer they may call you wanting the name of your conveyancer, not just the company, the actual individual acting for you! At the same time pushing their extortionately overpriced quotations, and refuse to take the property off the market without this. Don’t worry, we can help you be ready for this.


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Popular estate agent & builder sales quotes

Don’t be fooled, there are lots of different things that your estate agent/builder could say to you that may be all untrue! Here are some example of what you might hear:

“Keeping everything under one roof is easier with one point of contact”

“If you use our services it will give the vendor peace of mind that everything will go through smoothly”

“You need to come in and see our mortgage advisor for your offer to be qualified”

“Your offer is more likely to be accepted if you use our mortgage advisor”

“We get better deals than most brokers”

“Everything is likely to go through quicker if you use us”

“We will do all of the chasing of the solicitors for you and they’ll be more responsive to us due to the amount of work we send them”

“We’ll give you a free carpet/washing machine if you use our (extortionately priced) recommended conveyancing service”

Remember, when negotiating a purchase price, do you really want the seller of your property to have access to your personal financial situation and potentially knowing your maximum borrowing?

Why use a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield over a bank

First of all, your Mortgage Broker in Sheffield is not limited to any particular products or deals like your bank would be. They can only access their in-house deals, which means that you may not be able to access the best deal available to you.

You may also be waiting for long time to get an appointment with your bank, whereas if you were to approach a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield like ourselves, we would get right back in touch with you and arrange a date and time for your consultation as soon as possible!

Our Specialist Mortgage Broker in Sheffield also offers every customer a free mortgage consultation, no matter their mortgage situation. We have dealt with tricky mortgage situations before and we won’t just turn you away because your situation is complicated.

Date Last Edited: September 15, 2023