Remortgage Advice in Sheffield

The outbreak of the coronavirus forced most people to work from home. Surprisingly, a lot of people warmed to this and realised that working at home suited them. We are seeing more and more people wanting to move home.

Mostly, everything that you can do in an office, you can do at home. You can make video calls, access your work server, and easily contact your coworkers; communication hasn’t changed.

How to remortgage for a home office

If you are considering remortgaging for home improvements, you are going to have to remortgage your property to raise additional funds. These funds will used to make the home improvements, in this case, to make a home office. People mostly convert a spare room as it’s more convenient for an office, however, we do see people converting their garage from time to time.

To start the remortgage process, you will need to find a remortgage deal. Before you go directly to your bank, we recommend speaking to a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield, like us. If you go to your bank, you will only get access to their deals alone, whereas, a Mortgage Advisor in Sheffield at Sheffieldmoneyman has access to thousands of remortgage deals across 38 different lenders. We also get access to unique deals that you can’t access if you were to approach the lender yourself.

A Mortgage Advisor at Sheffield always has your best interests at heart and will recommend the best remortgage route to take that will benefit both your financial and personal situation.


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The costs of a home office

To get the ball rolling, you are going to have to calculate an estimate of how much you think the works are going to cost. Your work could cost anywhere between £5,000-£15,000. These costs are affected by things like the size of the room and how much work is going to be needed to be done on the room in order to get it in shape for office work.

You could easily end up saving money down the line, as you will not be spending anything on travel. You will also be reducing your carbon emissions, doing your bit for the environment. It will also provide flexibility for parents who need to do the school runs.

Are you looking to remortgage for home improvements

Are you thinking of remortgaging your property for a home office? If so, get in touch with your local Remortgage Advisor in Sheffield. We have over 11 years of experience in finding excellent remortgage deals for our happy customers. We are experts in finding that perfect remortgage product for you.

We are open 7 days a week and offer a free mortgage consultation to every customer. Contact us today, we can’t wait to hear from you!

Date Last Edited: September 15, 2023