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Fixed-Rate Mortgage Advice in Sheffield

What is a fixed-rate mortgage?

Generally, you’ll find that the longer that you fix your mortgage for, the higher your interest rate is going to be. This is why you should look for a shorter fixed term, so that you can access lower rates.

Even though short term fixes could eventually save you money, your mortgage will need to be regularly reviewed and renewed more frequently. When it comes to your remortgage in Sheffield, it can depend on how the economy is performing and what sort of deals of available to what sort of rate you’ll pay on your new product.

Sometimes, you may end up paying more than your previous months’ mortgage payments, and then sometimes you may end up paying less.

What is a Fixed-Rate Mortgage | MoneymanTV

Medium & Long Term Fixed Mortgages

If you would prefer to fix your rate for a longer period, you can take out a medium to long term fixed mortgage if you want to.

The most popular fixed rates are 5-year terms. These deals are sort of in the middle, not too short nor too long. They also add the security of constant monthly payments for the foreseeable future.

The only negative to fixing into a 5-year term is that your overall payments may be more than if you were to had fixed a 2-year product and then a 3-year product, but not by much.

If you wanted to go even further and try and secure a 7 to 10-year fixed-rate product, you may need to try and access specialist lenders as there are a limited number of these products on the market. They aren’t the most popular of choices amongst home buyers and owners, due to the length of the term. You won’t get much flexibility with a mortgage in the long term; they may also come with expensive setup fees and rates.

Fees to Consider

In addition to interest rates and monthly mortgage payments, you’ll also have to consider booking and arrangement fees. A booking fee will be charged upfront and an arrangement fee will be charged at completion. Sometimes these fees can be incorporated into your mortgage payments, however, this can increase the total amount paid in the end.

If you’ve got the funds in place to do so, you may want to pay off a chunk of your mortgage early. Usually, people do this after they’ve received a large lump sum of money for something.

If you do this, you may be charged with an ERC or otherwise known as an early repayment charge. You are tied into a deal for a set period of time, so jumping out of the deal early will cost you. You can continue with repaying early if you are okay with paying the ERC.

An ERC is calculated as a percentage of the amount that is still owed on the whole mortgage, not your term. For example, if you have £200,000 left on your mortgage, you may get an ERC of 2% which is £4,000. If a current deal is available on the market that you want to access, it may benefit you more to take the ERC and remortgage early.


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Remortgage Advice in Sheffield

As a mortgage broker in Sheffield, we would recommend not chasing after ‘headline’ deals. You need to remember that the deals with the lowest rates come with the highest arrangement/setup fees.

For remortgage advice in Sheffield, please contact us today. We have helped 1000s of customers fix excellent mortgage rates in the past, and you could be next!

Get in touch for a free mortgage review today.

Single Mortgage Application When Married in Sheffield

Mortgage Advice in Sheffield

Applying for a mortgage as a single applicant whilst married is not uncommon. There are, several reasons that can justify applying for a mortgage in just one name, and some lenders will consider this arrangement. 

Reasons why a single application can be more fitting than a joint mortgage include: 

There are many more reasons to get a sole mortgage when you’re married. Our mortgage advisors in Sheffield are available seven days a week to book you in for a free mortgage consultation and help you get started. 

Applying for a sole mortgage while still married 

Some lenders will only accept a joint mortgage if you’re married. However, there are lenders out there that will allow for sole applicants whilst married to get a mortgage.  

If you are looking to take out a mortgage in your sole name, you should contact a mortgage broker in Sheffield. We have been in the mortgage business for over two decades now, making us knowledgeable mortgage experts in the field. We can search through thousands of deals on your behalf, hopefully finding a mortgage to suit your circumstances. 

Our mortgage advisors in Sheffield will need to ask you specific questions about your reason for wanting a sole-named mortgage. For example, if you do not wish to apply for a joint mortgage because your partner has bad credit, you both may be able to get a joint mortgage, as there may be lenders willing to put both names on the mortgage. 

Other reasons can include if you are looking to purchase a sole name mortgage for personal reasons, our advisors might be able to find lenders who are likely to approve. Most lenders are not comfortable with this arrangement because you’re purchasing a property for you and your partner. Lenders favour both applicants to be on the mortgage. This is to avoid possible conflicts in the future, especially if the couple were to divorce.  


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Are you going through a divorce? 

If you’re separating from your partner or going through a divorce and looking at your mortgage options. You will find useful information here, divorce and separation mortgage advice in Sheffield.  

The best decision is to speak to a mortgage advisor in Sheffield, who can provide you with a more tailored answer regarding your circumstances. 

Mortgage advisors in Sheffield for married applicants 

Again, we highlight the importance of always seeking mortgage advice in Sheffield before applying for a mortgage, particularly if you’re married but want to get a mortgage in one name. 

Our mortgage advisors in Sheffield specialise in complex mortgage applications. If you are looking to purchase a property in your sole name whilst married, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our specialist mortgage advisors in Sheffield have a wealth of knowledge and there is rarely a situation that they haven’t come across before. 

What is a property survey and which one should I choose?

Property Survey Mortgage Advice in Sheffield

Once you’ve had your offer accepted on a property, you are going to move onto the next stage of the mortgage process… getting the property surveyed.

A property survey is carried out to determine whether the true value of a home correlates to the amount that a buyer has offered for it. The survey will also show the overall condition of a property, highlighting defects and damages (if there is any).

Types of Property Survey

There are lots of different types of property surveys, however, three stand out as the most popular amongst the crowd:

A property survey may be carried out free of charge depending on the lender that you use. If you are offered a free survey, you may be limited to what you can see on the report, or sometimes the lender may not give you a copy.

Each survey differs, some will provide great detail and tell you everything that you need to know about your property, whereas others will not. Usually, the more that you pay for a survey, the more in-depth the report will be.

If your survey shows something about the property that you weren’t told about, by law you are allowed to approach the seller and work out a price reduction is necessary.


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Mortgage Valuation

A Mortgage Valuation is the simplest property survey and usually the cheapest. They are carried out to find out the true value of a property.

Before committing to lending to you, your lender will need to find out whether the property’s value matches how much you are set to borrow from them. If you put in an offer above the property’s value and it gets accepted by your seller, it’s good for them but not for your lender, therefore it’s unlikely that your lender will accept your application. This is because they will have to lend more than the property is actually worth; this is called a down valuation. If you can make up the difference between what you said you’d pay and the mortgage amount, you’ll be able to go ahead with your lender, although, if you can’t then the lender will pull out of the deal.

Unfortunately, a Mortgage Valuation survey will not point out minor damages or repairs, it will just show clear structural defects that will require attention as soon as possible. If you want a report that goes further in-depth, you will have to pay more to upgrade to a different survey.

Homebuyers Report

A Homebuyers Report focuses on the safety of the property and how safe it is to live inside of it. The report will include problems such as mould, dampness or something that does not pass the current building laws.

This survey will be carried out by an expert. They will thoroughly examine the property from top to bottom so that they know exactly how safe it is to live in.

Full Structural Survey

As a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield, we usually recommend a Full Structural Survey, especially to those who are purchasing an older building. You sometimes need to be aware of everything.

This survey is the most expensive of the three and usually them all. This is because your surveyor will look at the whole property, often spending a whole day to determine its worth and to find out what’s wrong with it.

If the purchase goes through and you now know everything about the property, you may have saved yourself a lot of money in the long run as if you didn’t know about the damages, you couldn’t act on them meaning that they could worsen overtime.

Do I need to get a survey on a new build?

New builds usually requires a different type of survey called a snagging survey. This will highlight both minor and major issues. It could be from a missing door hinge to cracks in the ceiling.

If the new build has already been built, it would be wise to have a property survey carried out on it before you move into it. Just because the property is a new build doesn’t mean that there is nothing wrong with it. As a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield, we would always advise that you have some sort of survey carried out on a property.

Mortgage Advice in Sheffield

Whether you are a first time buyer in Sheffield or moving home in Sheffield, if you are struggling to choose the right property survey or just need general mortgage advice, feel free to get in touch with our team. Sometimes, it can be difficult to get the ball rolling when it comes to moving home, so make sure to get in touch if you need any help!

You can obtain the services of a surveyor to carry out a Homebuyers report or building survey through the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

What is a Mortgage Agreement in Principle in Sheffield, and how can it help?

What is an Agreement in Principle? | MoneymanTV

What is an Agreement in Principle? 

An Agreement in Principle (AIP) is a statement or certificate from a lender to say that, in principle, they would lend you a certain amount and proves a First Time Buyer in Sheffield like yourself that you are credit-worthy.  

If you are looking to get one, you need to get in touch and provide us with information about your mortgage needs and situation. Then, once we have processed your details, we can suggest how much you may be able to borrow. 

As a devoted mortgage broker in Sheffield, we can usually turn around an agreement in principle for you within 24 hours of your enquiry. Your Agreement in Principle can last anywhere between 30 and 90 days, depending on the lender. If your Agreement in Principle expires before you use it, it can be easily refreshed by speaking to your mortgage advisor in Sheffield. 

Does an Agreement in Principle affect my credit score? 

When applying for an Agreement in Principle, the lender will run a credit check to evaluate your eligibility. You will need to ask what level of credit survey they do. If the lender runs a hard credit search, it will leave a ‘footprint’ on your credit file visible to other lenders.  

A search footprint is a record left by a credit reference agency every time your credit report gets searched, either by yourself or by others. If there are a high number of hard searches in a short period, it can harm your credit score as it could signal that you’re struggling to get accepted by other lenders. 

However, if the lender has chosen to run a soft search, it won’t leave a footprint, and it won’t impact your credit score. 


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Is an Agreement in Principle guaranteed? 

An AIP cannot guarantee that you will get a mortgage offer – you will still need to go through the entire mortgage application process when you find a property you want to buy, but this will help strengthen your chances.  

An AIP usually is valid for up to 30 – 90 days, and our mortgage adviser in Sheffield will be able to use the information as part of your mortgage application process. However, they will want to make sure the details are still correct.  

Some factors may affect the lender’s decision when making a complete application, such as their lending criteria or personal circumstances that have changed.  

Mortgage Broker in Sheffield 

You may be a First Time Buyer in Sheffield, or you might be thinking of moving to the area and are looking for excellent mortgage advice. If this is your situation, we believe that you will benefit from our dedicated mortgage advice service in Sheffield. 

We offer a free initial mortgage consultation with one of our expert mortgage advisors in Sheffield, so please get in touch today and let us get the ball rolling on your mortgage application so that we can secure you an agreement in principle. 

A Guide to Remortgages in Sheffield: Top Reasons to Consider

The mortgage journey can be pretty rewarding in the long run. Though you might have faced several hurdles along the process, you are now at the end of your trip and now faced with making a decision. Call the property a home and settle down as a single homeowner or start a family, whereas others use this as a stepping stone to climb higher onto the property ladder or investment to help provide you with a boost in income.

Whichever pathway you choose, eventually, you will be approaching the end of your mortgage term and may find yourself in the position to sell up and upsize/downsize into a new property. You may even be in the market for selling your portfolio to the tenant(s); whatever the scenario, everything mentioned above all comes under one word ‘Remortgage’.


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What is a remortgage?

a Remortgage is where you take out a new mortgage on a property you already own to replace your existing mortgage or borrow money against your property value. There are many reasons people choose to remortgage, but one of the most popular scenarios is to Remortgage to find a better interest rate and save money. 

By utilising over 20 years of knowledge working in the mortgage industry, Director of Sheffieldmoneyman and Mortgage Advisor Malcolm Davidson is here to talk to you about all the opportunities for starting your Remortgage journey.

Remortgage for Better Interest Rates in Sheffield

The mortgage deal you start with will generally last somewhere within 2-5 years, featuring lower fixed rates or possibly discounted rates. We have seen in some cases where some lender may even put you on a tracker mortgage, a mortgage type that follows the Bank of England’s base rate.

When you reach the end part of your mortgage term, you will likely get placed on the lenders Standard Variable Rate (SVR). An SVR’s purpose is to increase or decrease this mortgage interest rate, depending on what the lender determines correct to charge you.

Be aware that this type of mortgage does not follow the Bank of England’s base rate like a tracker mortgage would do. As such, it can be a little more of a gamble, as the lender is not legally obligated to charge the amount that gets recommended.

Generally speaking, this type of Standard Variable Rates can be a more expensive route to take, so another look at their options to Remortgage for better rates. Potentially saving the homeowner with some money on their monthly repayments. 

Remortgage for Home Improvements in Sheffield

Once you’ve gotten through most of your initial term, you may feel like you need a extra room or a larger living space.

Some people choose to go down the route for a new kitchen, a new office, or even a loft conversion (which seem pretty popular these days). 

Though the idea of obtaining planning permission from a local authority and both funding and managing your project can be a daunting task. Some may argue it’s a lot less stressful and more rewarding than the process of house hunting, selling your property and move out.

As time passes by, this may prove even more to be a wise investment choice, as creating more space and having good quality craftsmanship will likely increase how much your home is worth. This is very useful if you ever decide to sell up or rent your house out to someone else.

Remortgage for Changes to Your Term

In some cases, some homeowners may wish to Remortgage in Sheffield to find themselves a better mortgage term, whether that be by reducing the length of the period in question or by switching to a more flexible product.

Doing this will mean you will be paying back your mortgage over a shorter amount of time so that you won’t be tied down for a large portion of your life.

However, this route will also mean that your monthly repayments will be higher than they otherwise would’ve been. The general rule of thumb is that the longer your term, the lower the payments will be over time.

Many homeowners choose for their mortgage term to be a little more flexible when they take out a remortgage. It’s the benefits provided by this option that tend to sway homeowners more in its favour. Through this, you may gain the ability to overpay your mortgage.

This means you can pay your mortgage off quicker, as well as being able to carry the same mortgage and rates over to another property of your choosing, just in case you ever decide to find a new property at any point in the future.

Though a flexible mortgage sounds like it would be ideal for you, it will usually come in the form of a tracker mortgage. As discussed earlier, these mortgage types follow the Bank of England base rate.

This means your payments could fluctuate based on interest, potentially making them a little unreliable when your monthly payments come around.

Remortgage to Release Equity in Sheffield

Every homeowner has some amount of equity in their home. How much exactly depends on factors. You can work it out by calculating the difference between what is still owed on the mortgage and the current amount your property is valued.

As mentioned earlier, equity can be used for home improvements, though that’s not all you’re limited to when it comes to using your equity.

Some use their released equity to cover long-term care costs, supplement their income, have a holiday, pay off an interest-only mortgage, or have extra money to spend freely and treat themselves.

In the rare case, we find that Buy-to-Let landlords will use a remortgage to release equity as a means of covering their deposit for additional property portfolio purchases.

If you are aged 55+ and own a property with a minimum value of £70,000, then it may be worth looking at Equity Release in Sheffield. To see if you qualify for later life mortgage lending, book a free mortgage appointment with a later life mortgage advisor today.

Remortgage to Consolidate Debt in Sheffield

Another big one that works in conjunction with a remortgage to release equity is releasing funds to pay off any unsecured debts that may have built up over time.

Though it may seem like a reasonably straightforward task, Debt Consolidation not only bases the amount on how much you’re owed and the value of the property, but it also factors in where your credit rating is currently at.

This could mean that whilst you may be able to use some money to cover these costs, you’re limited from the offset regarding how much they’ll even let you borrow.

To pay off your previous mortgage and your debts, you will need to borrow more than the mortgage amount that is remaining on your balance. Additionally, this will almost certainly mean that your monthly repayments will be higher than they were previously. Though not an ideal situation to find yourself in, you can at least rest assured that should you find yourself in need of a backup plan, and you do have some mortgage options to choose from.

If you happen to have a damaged credit rating, you may also still have a chance to obtain a mortgage, though this process will not be easy and requires very Specialist Remortgage Advice in Sheffield before you can even proceed. Even with a professional by your side, there is still no guarantee that this will even be something you can do.

When choosing to consolidate and secure any debts against your home, please always seek Mortgage Advice in Sheffield first.

Expert Mortgage Advisors in Sheffield

If you are at the end of your term and are looking at your home-owning and remortgage options, then don’t hesitate to Get in Touch with an open and honest mortgage broker in Sheffield today and our advisors, we’ll see how they could help.

A dedicated mortgage advisor in Sheffield will be able to discuss your circumstances and the best plan of action on your mortgage journey. Our aim as a mortgage broker in Sheffield to ensure a quicker and more straightforward process than your first mortgage.

Why use a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield?

Purchase & Remortgage Advice in Sheffield

Home Movers and First Time Buyers in Sheffield use a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield to help the process of purchasing a home go as smoothly as possible. Buying a home can be a very stressful experience, and our customers like to know they have got someone reliable on their side on hand to answer all their questions and queries.

Your Dedicated Mortgage Advisor in Sheffield will ensure you obtain the most suited mortgage to match your circumstances. We will recommend the most suitable mortgage for you and package your application to the Lender in such a way to give it the best chance of success. The same rules apply when you come to Remortgage too, we like to know our customers are on the most affordable deal for the entire term of the mortgage. 


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Keeping you Informed During Your Journey

We think talking to a Mortgage Advisor in Sheffield early on in the process is a good idea. We can help you work out what you can afford to pay and also how much the different Lenders will let you borrow. You would be surprised by the vast differences between Mortgage Lenders when it comes to the maximum mortgage available. Knowing what you can afford well in advance of making an application helps you avoid disappointment. 

Communication also plays a large part. We like to keep our customers informed about their application’s progress by email, so you know things are moving forward. It’s good to know that we are also at the end of the phone when you need us.

No Ties to Estate Agents, Banks or Building Societies

Mortgage Brokers work for the customer, not the Lender. This is important to note because we are in your corner sometimes having to argue the strengths of an application to ensure it goes through. We know our customer’s financial situation inside out, and by requesting and checking your proof of income and bank statements well in advance of a Lender seeing them, we look to avoid any potential hurdles before we hit them carefully. 

If you need help you choose the right type of survey for your transaction and instruct a Solicitor on your behalf to carry out the legal aspects of your transaction. We are experts in completing application forms on behalf of our clients to ensure accuracy and give your application the best chance of completion.

Building Customer Relationships

Finally, a great Mortgage Advisor in Sheffield will love to build up an ongoing relationship with a client. It can often start with an affordability assessment and Agreement in Principle before even finding a house. Even after the purchase is complete, we keep regular contact via email and re-engage by phone running up to the initial mortgage product coming to its end. We then compare the market on your behalf once again to obtain the best remortgage deal available. 

Why Don’t People Overpay Their Mortgages?

Overpaying has its perks – but not for all

Whether you’re a First Time Buyer, Home Mover or going to Remortgage in Sheffield, every homeowner should know if they’re overpaying their mortgage, even if it’s not by a lot. It can make an impact on the amount of interest you pay back over your mortgage term. The earlier that you start overpaying, the greater the effects of your additional payments.

When life gets in the way, it may prove slightly difficult to afford these extra payments. That said, overpaying is sometimes a good thing to do when you take out a mortgage, but as always, there is something else we’d rather spend our money on to make us happy.

If this sounds like you and you’re maybe hoping to overpay to retire early, what we recommend you do is set up a standing order that is payable to your lender each month. Set it up to go out on the same day as your regular mortgage payments.


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How do I make an overpayment?

For example, say your monthly mortgage payment is £450 per month and goes out on the 2nd of each month. You can afford an extra £85 per month and want to put that towards your mortgage payments. Set up a standing order of £85 to go out to your lender on the 2nd of each month too.

One of the perks of this is your mortgage payments will then total at £535, and because it’s going out as a regular payment, this will feel and later become the norm for you. Another perk is that whereas the receiver controls a direct debit, standing orders get influenced by the payer. Have a financial emergency and don’t want it to go out this month? Log into your online banking and cancel the payment.

Whilst it would be a shame to have to stop overpaying, at least you’ll receive those benefits thus far. Depending on the lender, you may even be allowed to arrange reduced payments or take a “payment holiday” if you’ve been overpaying for some time. It’s essential to check with lenders, though, if you’re looking to do this, otherwise, it could negatively affect your credit report.

Choosing to overpay your mortgage is a great attitude to have, but it’s not necessary. If you don’t believe the need to, you don’t have to. That said, cutting your mortgage term by a year or two will be something you’ll benefit from significantly.

Divorce & Separation Mortgage Advice in Sheffield

Divorce or separation can be emotionally challenging, and navigating the financial aspects can add another layer of complexity. One critical aspect to address during this time is the joint mortgage if you and your partner own a property together. Here, we’ll delve into common questions related to divorce and separation, providing detailed insights into the process and offering advice specific to Sheffield residents.

Common Divorce & Separation Questions

When it comes to divorce or separation, numerous questions arise regarding property ownership, mortgages, and financial responsibilities. Here are some of the most common moving home in Sheffield questions individuals face:


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What happens to our joint mortgage in a divorce or separation?

Divorce or separation can lead to the need for restructuring your joint financial commitments, including your mortgage. The ideal scenario is to reach an agreement with your ex regarding the property. This could involve selling the property and dividing the proceeds, one partner buying out the other’s share, or maintaining co-ownership until a later date.

How do I remove my ex-husband / wife from my mortgage?

To remove your ex from the mortgage, you typically have two options: Remortgaging the mortgage solely in your name or selling the property. Remortgaging involves qualifying for the mortgage based on your individual financial situation. If Remortgaging isn’t feasible, selling the property and dividing the proceeds can provide a clean break from the mortgage and property ownership.

Can I have two mortgages while going through a divorce?

It’s possible to have two mortgages during a divorce, but lenders will assess your financial stability and ability to manage both mortgages simultaneously. Having multiple mortgages could impact your debt-to-income ratio, potentially affecting your loan eligibility. It’s crucial to consult with a mortgage advisor in Sheffield to understand the feasibility and implications.

Getting help with your mortgage during divorce or separation

Divorce and separation can be overwhelming, and seeking expert mortgage advice in Sheffield is highly recommended. Our mortgage advisors in Sheffield have experience in divorce-related scenarios can provide guidance tailored to your situation. They can help you understand the available options, navigate the remortgage process, and make informed decisions that align with your financial goals.

Figuring Out a Joint Mortgage

During a divorce or separation, determining what happens to your joint mortgage requires careful consideration. Sit down with your ex to discuss your options and preferences. If both parties are open to communication and cooperation, this process can be smoother. If an agreement can be reached, it’s essential to involve legal professionals to formalise the arrangement and ensure that everyone’s rights and responsibilities are protected.

Book Your Free Mortgage Appointment

As a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield, our job is to find you the most suitable mortgage or remortgage in Sheffield for your circumstances. Contact us by booking yourself for a free mortgage appointment with a dedicated mortgage advisor in Sheffield around a time that suits you. We usually have same-day appointments available.

During that consultation, your mortgage advisor in Sheffield will need to build up a more detailed financial profile to understand your current situation and what you are looking to achieve. Then, we will begin searching 1000’s of deals to find you the most suitable mortgage product. Your mortgage advisor in Sheffield will explain all this in further detail during your appointment.

Product Transfer V Remortgage Advice in Sheffield

What is a product transfer?

When your current mortgage deal is coming to an end your mortgage lender may offer you a new deal to stay with them, this is known as a product transfer. You don’t have to stay with your lender, there are thousands of competitive deals out there waiting for you.


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Are you rewarded for being loyal?

Unfortunately, most lenders don’t reward you for your loyalty to them. They are probably offering First Time Buyers in Sheffield a better rate than their withstanding customers, like you.

This is why we always recommend that you don’t rush into things and get Mortgage Advice in Sheffield before accepting a deal. It can be hard to find a competitive deal with the same lender and that’s why we advise in shopping around first or approaching a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield.

A Mortgage Advisor in Sheffield will search through thousands of mortgage deals until they find a perfect one that matches your personal and financial circumstances. Here at Sheffieldmoneyman, we will always have your best interests at heart and will try our absolute best to secure you that 1/1000 mortgage deal.

Tempted by an online switch?

Whilst swapping to a new deal with your current lender online may be fairly easy, it is always in your interest to see what other deals you may be eligible for. Lenders will always try and tempt you to take their online offer over getting Mortgage Advice in Sheffield. They probably know that you can get a better deal but why would they want you to know that this is why taking Mortgage Advice in Sheffield can really help!

When you go to your local Mortgage Broker in Sheffield, like us, you are guaranteed consumer protection. If you decide to go ahead with an online switch, you don’t receive any of this.

You’ll be opting out of advice

In past, we have seen that some customers just go for the most convenient option. This often leads to them missing out on a great deal that they could’ve accessed had they taken things slower or approached a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield.

You should always take advice, especially if it’s free! We offer a free mortgage consultation in Sheffield and can do all of the shopping around for you across our panel of 38 lenders in order to find an amazing mortgage deal.

If you end up on the wrong deal by accident or realise that you could’ve had a better one down the line, you can’t complain as you chose to opt-out on advice and do everything on your own through an online switch. Switching deals in the future will cost you a lot more than had you taken Mortgage Advice in Sheffield.

Mortgage Advice in Sheffield

We have been working within the mortgage industry for over 11 years now and know exactly how to find you a perfect mortgage deal. We can arrange everything for you and help get the ball rolling with your product transfer.

Even if your requirement seems straightforward we always recommend that you take Mortgage Advice in Sheffield. A second opinion costs nothing and making a mistake when taking a new product can be costly.

90% of the time savings can be made and this can be done by simply searching the market for a new deal. Let your local Mortgage Broker in Sheffield help you secure that amazing deal, we can’t wait to hear from you!

Remortgage for a Home Office | Mortgage Advice in Sheffield

Remortgage Advice in Sheffield

The outbreak of the coronavirus forced most people to work from home. Surprisingly, a lot of people warmed to this and realised that working at home suited them. We are seeing more and more people wanting to move home.

Mostly, everything that you can do in an office, you can do at home. You can make video calls, access your work server, and easily contact your coworkers; communication hasn’t changed.

How to remortgage for a home office

If you are considering remortgaging for home improvements, you are going to have to remortgage your property to raise additional funds. These funds will used to make the home improvements, in this case, to make a home office. People mostly convert a spare room as it’s more convenient for an office, however, we do see people converting their garage from time to time.

To start the remortgage process, you will need to find a remortgage deal. Before you go directly to your bank, we recommend speaking to a Mortgage Broker in Sheffield, like us. If you go to your bank, you will only get access to their deals alone, whereas, a Mortgage Advisor in Sheffield at Sheffieldmoneyman has access to thousands of remortgage deals across 38 different lenders. We also get access to unique deals that you can’t access if you were to approach the lender yourself.

A Mortgage Advisor at Sheffield always has your best interests at heart and will recommend the best remortgage route to take that will benefit both your financial and personal situation.


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The costs of a home office

To get the ball rolling, you are going to have to calculate an estimate of how much you think the works are going to cost. Your work could cost anywhere between £5,000-£15,000. These costs are affected by things like the size of the room and how much work is going to be needed to be done on the room in order to get it in shape for office work.

You could easily end up saving money down the line, as you will not be spending anything on travel. You will also be reducing your carbon emissions, doing your bit for the environment. It will also provide flexibility for parents who need to do the school runs.

Are you looking to remortgage for home improvements

Are you thinking of remortgaging your property for a home office? If so, get in touch with your local Remortgage Advisor in Sheffield. We have over 11 years of experience in finding excellent remortgage deals for our happy customers. We are experts in finding that perfect remortgage product for you.

We are open 7 days a week and offer a free mortgage consultation to every customer. Contact us today, we can’t wait to hear from you! & Sheffieldmoneyman are trading styles of UK Moneyman Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

UK Moneyman Limited is Registered in England, No. 6789312 | Registered Address: 10 Consort Court, Hull, HU9 1PU.

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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